Auto Layout
How to automatically add sections of your Model to the Layout
Last updated
How to automatically add sections of your Model to the Layout
Last updated
To automatically add Variables to your Layout, simply select one or more Variables. As shown below (1), you only need to select the top node of any logical tree of Variables - Models will ensure that any Variables that the selected Variable depends upon will also be added to the Layout.
With the Variable selected, simply press the "Auto layout" button (2). This brings up a wizard with one page
The Auto Layout wizard has only one mandatory field, which is the choice of Calculations Sheet. This is the sheet which all Variables within the selected node will be added to.
There are several optional fields which can be used to change how the layout is created as follows:
Calculations Line Group
If you want to add new content to an existing Line Group, select a Line Group here. If no Line Group is selected, new content will be added to the top level of the selected Sheet.
Assumptions Sheet
If you want to add Assumptions to a specific sheet, select one here. Otherwise Models will use the first Assumptions sheet it finds, or create one if none exists.
Assumptions Line Group
Select if you want to add new Assumptions content to an existing Line Group. If none selected, new content will be added to the top level of the selected Assumptions sheet.
Add Flags to separate sheet (toggle)
Flags Sheet
If the Add Flags to separate sheet toggle is selected, you will be prompted to choose a Sheet to add Flags to.
Flags Line Group
Select if you want to add new Flags content to an existing Line Group. If none selected, new content will be added to the top level of the selected Flags sheet.
Max levels
Sets the maximum level of nesting of groups within a Sheet. We recommend a maximum nesting of 3 for most Models - higher levels of nesting add more "structure", but make worksheets less readable.
Ideal min groups at level / Ideal max groups at level
Controls the way in which nested Line Groups are created. Models will try to ensure that Line Groups contain a number of child groups between the min and max values set here. Increasing the min groups at level setting will result in more Line Groups at higher levels, and fewer groups at lower levels.
Flags are any Variable using the Boolean (i.e. with TRUE/FALSE values), often used for settings timings of Variables (e.g. start period, end period). It is often good practice to place Flags on a separate sheet from other calculations - select this option if you want to do so.