Using Wizards
How to use Taglo wizards
Last updated
How to use Taglo wizards
Last updated
Many actions in Taglo software are performed through a wizard-like dialog. We try to provide non-wizard shortcuts for the most common tasks, but you will still find yourself using wizards throughout your work.
Our philosophy behind these wizards is to provide a way for the user to enter complex and situation-dependent information, without creating barriers to the flow of the user's thought process.
In Taglo, you should (almost) never see a pop-up window that stops you performing your next task!
A Taglo wizard is simply a series of steps that need to be completed in order to perform an action or create/edit an item.
Depending on the complexity of each step, it may be presented in a vertical list on the same page with other steps, or on its own page of the wizard.
Wizard Page with Multiple Steps
Wizard Page with Single Step
Steps will be shown and hidden depending on options you select as you progress through the wizard. If any data you have entered is invalid, you will be unable to navigate to the next page of the wizard or finish the wizard.
You can always cancel changes you've made by clicking the Cancel button at the top-right of the wizard.
On a page with multiple steps, you can quickly access different steps by pressing Ctrl+[Number key]
where [Number key]
is the number of the step as it appears on the page. For example, to quickly jump to the third step on the page, you'd press Ctrl+3
See here for a full list of keyboard shortcuts that you can use in dialogs.
If the Finish button is enabled at any point (as in the image below), you can successfully exit the dialog by clicking Finish, even if you haven't entered information into all steps.
You will often need to select from a list of items when in a wizard.
For instance, you may need to assign one or more tags to the item that you are creating/editing. In this case, you will be presented with a list of tags, using an adaptation of the familiar List View that was discussed earlier in this section.
You will be able to use these list views similarly to how you use them in the main interface, including previewing items and creating/editing items.
List Views within a wizard behave in the same way as normal list views. That means that if the item you want to select doesn't exist yet, you can create it immediately and then select it. If the item you want to select needs editing, you can edit it right there and then, without having to move to another part of the application first.
When you open a new wizard from within a wizard, the new one will appear on top of the old one, with a visual indication that the previous wizard is waiting for you once you have finished. You can keep stacking wizards until you have finished all the tasks you need.
This is how we help you stay within your train of thought. You should never have to worry about the order in which you perform tasks. When you find that an item you need doesn't exist, just open a new wizard and create the item from wherever you are in the application, and select it once you're done.
The GIF below shows this workflow in action: