
How to create Sheets in a Layout


Just like in Excel, Layouts in Models are divided into Sheets. Each Sheet in Models represents a sheet that will be generated in Excel.

There are 5 types of Sheet that you can create:

Sheet type





Excel Insert

You can only have one type of item (Assumptions, Variables, Metrics or Dashboards) on each Sheet in the Layout.

Auto-generated Sheets

Depending on your Model, some auto-generated Sheets may be added to your Layout. For instance, if any of your Variables use Dimensions, a Dimensions Sheet will be added.

These Sheets:

  • Can be moved

  • Can be hidden, or have their tab color changed

  • Cannot be deleted

Sheet Setup page

Sheets can be created directly in the Sheets tab of the Model Editor, or from within any Sheet selector (e.g. in an Add Item wizard).

Depending on the type of sheet you are creating, and which part of the UI you are creating it from, you will see different pages in the Sheet wizard. For Dashboard and Excel Insert sheets, for instance, you will see pages allowing you to choose the items to show on the sheet.

All sheet dialogs contain the Setup page, which will look similar to the below:

Sheet name

Each sheet must have a name that meets Excel sheet name rules. If you enter a name that has already been used elsewhere in your Layout, Models will automatically change it.

Sheet description (Optional)

Adds a description to the Sheet when generated, shown in the top left of the sheet, as below.

Time period (Calculation sheets only)

Specifies whether the Sheet's time period is the default period of the Model (as defined in Timings) or an aggregated time period.

If you have Variables that are aggregated over several time periods (e.g. in a quarterly Model, you may have a Variable that sums up totals for each year), these must be placed on a dedicated Sheet with the appropriate time period.

Each sheet can only show one type of time period e.g. you cannot have a Sheet that shows both quarterly and annual periods

Control sheet

One Sheet in the Model must display the dropdown controls for selecting the active Scenario and Sensitivity, as shown below.

Use the toggle to specify whether this Sheet will display these controls. If you select this option on one Sheet, it will be deselected on all other Sheets.

Group levels

You can specify a number of levels to group your Line Groups by in your generated spreadsheet. By default, the value is 0, meaning no Excel grouping is performed.

Use grouping on large or complex Sheets to help speed up navigation of the Excel.

Hide sheet in Excel

If this item is selected, the Sheet will be hidden in Excel.


You can apply Tags to your Sheet to help search Sheets in large Layouts.

Tab color

You can select a color for your Sheet, which will be used to change the color of its tab in Excel, as shown below.

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