List Views
How we display lists of things that you create
Last updated
How we display lists of things that you create
Last updated
In Taglo software, you'll be spending much of your time creating and editing items that belong in lists. Examples of these from Models are:
A list of Variables
A list of Assumptions
A list of Calculation Parts in a Calculation
Given that you'll be spending so much time working in lists, we provide a consistent way of viewing, searching, and managing the items in these lists.
The default type of view for a list of items will vary with the item. There are 2 main views that you will usually see, Basic and Tree. You may sometimes also see a Grid view.
Taglo allows you to view most lists in multiple ways. For instance, you may want to view an item that is presented in a Tree View as a Basic List, or in a Grid View.
You'll find the Switch View control (shown below) at the bottom of all lists that have multiple views enabled. Simply click on one of the buttons to select a view.
If you are currently working in a list, you can also switch between views with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Number
e.g. To switch to the second available view, press Ctrl+2