How to use Namespaces to organise data
Overview of Namespaces
Namespaces are how Taglo allows you to organise your data into different "areas".
Defining Namespaces
You can add and edit Namespaces from any list of namespaces, or use the Namespaces applet, accessible from the navigation bar.
Give the Namespace a name, and select any other Namespaces that should be referenced by your new Namespace (explained below).
Namespace References
Namespaces can reference other Namespaces. This ensures that the referenced Namespace is always loaded when the referrer is loaded.
As an example, you might have a Namespace called Fruit, which contains data and Tags about apples, bananas and oranges. You then create a new Namespace called Recipes which has data and Tags about all the things you like to cook, some of which contain apples, bananas and oranges. By referencing the Fruit Namespace from the Recipes Namespace, you ensure that when you're working with Recipes, you always have access to the apples, bananas and oranges data.
Conversely, you might build a Model to budget for your stamp collection over the next 5 years, so you create that Model in a Stamp Collection Namespace. This Namespace does not need to know about Recipes or Fruit, so you don't reference either of those Namespaces, which ensures you don't see irrelevant information when working on your Model.
It's up to you how to manage your Namespaces.
Keeping them specific (like the Fruit example above) allows you a lot of flexibility, but means you will end up with a lot of Namespaces to keep track of and manage.
Putting everything in a few large Namespaces means you may have less to think about initially, but you will see more irrelevant items when working on a Model.
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